
Entry (1/3)1  miroaka (roaka)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Explanations in English  3  to drive cattle [1.7]
Explanations in French  4  pousser du bétail devant soi [1.8]
5  Present :
6  Past :
7  Future :

Entry (2/3)8  miroaka
Part of speech  9  active verb
Vocabulary  10  Zoology: (in general)
Explanations in Malagasy  11  mitrona [Tanosy] [1.78]

Entry (3/3)12  miroaka
Part of speech  13  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  14  mirongatra, tsara faniry [Sihanaka] [1.78]

Anagrams  15  miraoka, miroaka

Updated on 2023/01/20